WildSeed Tasmania

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Contact Helenka: Phone or Fax +61 3 6265 2651, mobile 0438 318 797
or Andrew: 0429 851 500 to discuss your order. You can also send us an .


Tasmanian WaratahWelcome to Wildseed Tasmania, collectors, distributors and exporters of the largest range of Tasmanian native seeds available online.

Wildseed Tasmania supplies seed and spore from the widest range of Tasmanian native trees, shrubs, grasses, ground covers, climbers and ferns. You can see photographs of many of these wonderful plants in the online Catalogue or on the Gallery page.

Included in the Catalogue is a good range of native seeds from the Australian mainland, along with a selection of exotic species. Not all of these are listed so please Contact us for further information. Specialist collections are welcomed, provenance information is available and germination tests can be arranged. We also stock a wide range of excellent Books on Tasmanian flora.

Germination notes for Tasmanian flora (where known) are also provided.

We have available a comprehensive range of pre-packaged Tasmanian seeds under our Seeds from Tasmania brand. Packets are available for general sale at retail price. They Seeds from Tasmaniaare also available for wholesale distribution to retail outlets such as nurseries, garden centres and arboreta. Please contact us for further information on this high quality, beautifully presented product, or visit our Seeds from Tasmania page.

We have recently added new and exciting Collections of seeds of wildflowers and plants that attract frogs, honey bees and native bees.

Where we are botanically speaking ...

Tasmania is the southern most and only island state of Australia, separated from the mainland by Bass Strait. Its territory, including Flinders Island, Cape Barren Island and other offshore islands, gives it a total area of 67,800sq. km. Hobart is the state capital and the largest city situated at latitude 43 degrees south.

Tasmania is mountainous and a central plateau slopes gradually southeast from a height of about 1000m. Being an island, Tasmania is spared extremes of weather.

Winter temperatures rarely drop below -7 degrees C. (in mountainous areas) and summer temperatures rarely exceed 35 degrees C. Rainfall ranges from 2000mm (+) in the west to less than 500mm in the east.

There are about 2000 species of flowering plants known to occur in Tasmania with more than 200 endemic species.  The vegetation has two components, the Antarctic or Southern Oceanic Flora and the Australian Flora.  Antarctic flora has close links with South America and New Zealand. Many plants belonging to this type of flora are endemic. The Australian floral type is characterised by Wattles (Acacia species), Pea flowers and Eucalyptus species, which Tasmania shares with the rest of southeast Australia.

Several types of vegetation are recognised: temperate rainforest or myrtle forest, sclerophyll or eucalypt forest (both dry and wet), montane vegetation, coastal heath and sedgeland.

Wildseed Nursery offers a diverse range of interesting Tasmanian species and a contract growing service at very reasonable rates. (Tasmania only - interstate enquiries by negotiation.)

In addition to purchasing online, we also accept orders by phone, fax or mail. Full details can be found on our Ordering Information page.

If you require more information about our seeds, pre-packaged seed packets or plants then please contact us.

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